City with sky scrapers, aerial view

Mission & Vision

The Company is incorporated in Tanzania under the Tanzania Companies Act, 2002 as a public company limited by shares. 

Company's Vision

To develop a strong identity, be the market leader and the the first choice amongst cement consumers in Tanzania.


Three people standing holding flags

Company's Mission

To satisfy customers by providing them with a high-quality product and service at an affordable price.

Three women reading on same laptop

Quality Statement

We are successful only when our customers are successful. Tanzania Portland Cement Public Limited Company  (TPCPLC) contributes to customers' success by supplying them with the products they want and need. We strive to achieve customer satisfaction by ensuring that the quality of our products are within the required standards and services are consistent and are continuously improved to meet our customer's expectations. It is the declared goal of every employee to make TPCPLC and Twiga Cement recognized by word for cement quality. This position allows us to achieve the market leadership.

Principal Activities

The principal activity during the year under review are manufacturing and selling of cement.