
Taking advantage of the rich experience in the HeidelbergCement Group, the Company has joined a HeidelbergCement’s training program for middle level managerial cadre, known as Academy Candidate Programme. This training involves a number of HeidelbergCement Africa Group companies, whereas managers undergo practical managerial training meant to prepare them for eventual succession.
Specialised and general skill development training for larger groups of employees as well as furtherance of artisanal and technical skills are being conducted within and outside the country continuously to equip workers with more knowledge and enable them to remain abreast of technological development in the field.

Since its privatisation in 1998, the Company has sponsored many training activities involving most employees of the Company. Substantial training is undertaken locally and with sister companies overseas as part of the capital projects implementation during the period since privatisation 

Ms. Neema Mungure

Human Resource and Legal Manager

Tanzania Portland Cement Public Limited Company Wazo hill
P.O Box 1950
Dar Es Salaam